Hi Everyone,
looking forward to another great season!
Starting with good knews, vaccination passports are no longer required to enter the rink! However, COVID regulations could change so please be prepared and ready to adapt.
registration rate will remain at $225 and there will be no limit on the number of participants this
year. If this fee will bring financial hardship, please reach out to a
member of the executive for assistance. This information will be kept
completely confidential.
The schedule for this year is currently:
- Thursday 7:45PM - 8:45PM (Trail, Kids Rink) - Starts Oct. 6
- Saturday 7:15PM - 8:30PM (Rossland Arena) - Starts Oct. 8 (tentatively)
Note: We are still negotiating with Trail Arena to get something closer to 7 PM.
Deadline for registration is Sept. 30, 2022 (Friday) so
we can get our insurance going in time for our first ice slot on Oct 6. Registration and insurance paperwork will be sent out next week. They are both mandatory to play (plus fees).
We are looking for three (3) volunteers (so far) this year to help out:
First, we are looking for someone to run our sign-up night. In previous years, we have had a sign-up night gathering (BBQ, baseball, etc.). If you're interested, let us know. This would have to be held before Sept. 30. If not (or you can't attend), don't worry we will be accepting registration via email.
Second, we are looking for a scheduler to take on managing the Rossland Ice Times and coordinate Saturday games with other teams (male and female). If you're interested, let us know.
Lastly (for now), with the increase in numbers on our roster, it has been proposed that we may benefit from moving to a three group system - somewhat like a mini-league but this will not go forward unless someone volunteers to take a poll and organize it. This would most likely be for the 2023-2024 season. However, as it would be a change, we would need to start preparing this season. If you are keen to see this go ahead, please let us know. The general idea for this would be:
- Every player would rate their skill level.
- Every player would be designated/drafted to one of the three groups - groups would have even skill distribution & accommodate carpool logistics.
- Ice nights would be associated to two groups; third would have an assigned bi.
- On ice nights, the two groups playing would mix-up as we have always done then scrimmage.
- If you were unable to attend your assigned night, you would be responsible for finding a spare from the group with the bi.
- The schedule would ensure that over a two week time, every group got 2 playing times. Every second Saturday would be schedule to play an external team, anyone from the 3 groups can attend.
- There are lots of logistics to sort out still including: goalies, equal distribution of games, benchapp, playing other teams.
Look forward to the volunteers!
Beers, Cheers, Brasiers
Shelby & Divana & the Executives
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