Tuesday, October 17, 2017

This Week in Hockey

We have two ice times on Wednesday.

1) Rossland with the Hooches.
2) Regular Wednesday ice. No goalies yet and we are adding Bring a Buddy as the numbers seem to be low. Sign up on BenchApp and bring someone for a fun time.

On Saturday in Rossland we have Mark coming to run some drills.

See you on the ice.

Monday, October 16, 2017

More Women's Hockey Options

Hello Smokettes, 
Chelyse Seifrit (Cougars) has contacted us regarding some more ice times and has welcome all of our players to participate. She is excited to be making a larger camaraderie in all the women who play hockey in the area. This will be great for simply networking between the teams/women in general and really putting a foot forwards in sparking up more women’s hockey here in Trail. 

It goes something like this:

15$ drop in or 75$ for the season – once a month Sunday ice time – 10-15min Warmup then – toss sticks in to mix up and play scrimmage (two 20 min periods)

Oct 22 – 6pm
Nov 26 – 4:45pm
Dec 10 – 4:45pm
Jan - TBD
Feb - TBD
Mar – TBD

There is no formal sign up – bring money and TRP# if you have one
For more information Chelyse’s Number is 250-231-2250

Grand Forks Tournament Registration Open

Thank you to Christine Venus who has volunteered to organize the Grand Forks away tournament this year.

We have been guaranteed a spot. Registration is now open. The first 15 to pay will be going. If you go to this away tournament you will not be eligible to go to the next away tournament.

Payment can be made in person to Christine or her designate at any ice time or by direct deposit. The cost is $57 for the tournament.

For Direct Deposit please state Grand Forks Tournament

Once 15 people have signed up another e-mail will be sent closing the registration.

Also see: http://www.smokettes.com/p/tournaments.html for up to date numbers of registration.

Christine has booked four hotel rooms at Motel 99, four people to a room will be about $25 each.


Tuesday, October 3, 2017

Pay Before You Play - Smokettes

Gentle reminder that we require all Smokettes to pay before they play. You can either e-transfer the funds or pay at your first ice time.

Direct Deposit info:
e-mail trailsmokettes@gmail.com for info


We will have signup forms at the first few weeks of ice times.

Bridget will be collecting money and have forms on Wednesday this week and Divana on Thursday.

See you all on the ice.

Grindstone Camp Fundraiser | Midway

HI Ladies,

I am organizing a small skills camp in Midway, Oct 20th for my new charity called the Grindstone Award Foundation.  I'll attached a PDF for your info. We are actually bringing out Candice Moxley - who is one of the coaches for Markham Thunder of in the CWHL. She will be running it, which will be a very cool (and rare!) opportunity for the players in your area. 

The women of Midway really wanted to do something for the players in their area, but are now short on players. Would any of your players be interested in coming? 


Danielle Grundy

The Grindstone Team
www.grindstoneaward.com(250) 863-2433  Facebook
"We believe that every girl has the right to play hockey - no matter their financial status"
Sign up for our Newsletter

Smokette 2017/2018 Away Tournament Policy

Smokette 2017/2018 Away Tournament Policy

1) Only those that have paid the current years fees are eligible to go to away tournaments.
2) 15 players and one goalie is the maximum number of players for each tournament team.
3) Two things are required for the Smokettes to commit to going to a tournament
A general interest BenchApp will be set up to get interest for each tournament. This does not mean that you are on the tournament team it only give us back-up to officially sign up and pay the downpayment for the tournament. Once we have enough interest that will be deleted.
- Someone is required to step up and be the team leader for each tournament. This person is responsible for collecting money for that tournament, making sure we have enough players, organizing the team and booking hotel rooms......
4) Once we have confirmation of a spot in the tournament and someone to organize, an e-mail will be sent out with the details. This will include
- The organizer of the tournament
- Cost per person (tournament fee divided by 15, usually about $50 to $60)
- Specific name to use on e-transfer to specify what the money is for

5) Once the e-mail is sent out confirming that we are in the tournament the first 15 people to pay will be going to the tournament. This year we have e-transfer and we would like to try to use that for tournament money as well as giving cheque or cash to the organizer (or alternate) at hockey. This is a trial run this year and if it does not work we will let people know. We will try to send out an e-mail as soon as all 15 spots are filled up. If you send an e-transfer after the 15 spots are filled we will not accept the transfer.

6) If you play in a tournament you are not eligible to play in the next tournament to give the other Smokettes a chance to go play in a tournament. If we do not have enough people then we will open it up to all Smokettes.