2014 Rossland Round-Up Annual Hockey Tournament
Every year, the Smokettes host a
FUN hockey tournament and use the money raised to help local service clubs,
charities and people in need. Last year,
last year we donated to :
* the Rossland Firefighters
Christmas hamper
* the Trail Food Bank
* Kootenay Wildcats Junior Girls
Rep team
* Rotary Interact Club
* a local family with a sick
* our annual high school
This year, along with donating to
our usual charities, we will be dedicating funds to Carol (ENZO) Enns, a former
Smokette, and dear friend to many. Carol was critically injured when the car
she was a passenger in was struck by a drunk driver in the states this summer,
leaving her bones shattered and her eye sight gone. She has fought back so hard
and is hoping to move back home soon, so there is much work to be done!
Where: Rossland Arena
When: February
21-23, 2014
Who: Men's Rec League 19 and over, Women’s 19 and
over AND
Men's Old-Timer’s (45 and over,
may have up to two players that are 35 and over if they are regular players)
Cost: $700/team
What: 3 refereed games, game drinks, fully licensed
lounge open till midnight friday and Saturday nights, DINNER included and Party
on the Saturday night at the lounge!! Dancing All night!!
How: a deposit of $200 due as soon as possible, and
email us to let us know you are interested
Please make cheques payable to
the Trail Smokettes, and send to : xxxxxx
Don’t delay in getting your
deposit in, you won't have a spot guaranteed until your deposit is received.
If you have any questions or
concerns please contact us at Kari K at 250-xxx-xxxx, xxxxxxxx@telus.net
Come and join us for A GREAT