Friday, September 30, 2011

1st Game Wednesday Oct 6th

Our first joint ice time will be on Wednesday October 5th with the Buds. Time and location will be posted on the calendar when I am informed, stay tuned.

Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Smokettes Schedulue 2011-2012

Good Morning Ladies
Here it comes, ready or not, our new season beginning Saturday, Oct 1 – please see the below times from City of Trail and City of Rossland for our regular scheduled ice for 2011-2012.  We have quite a few more times in Rossland this year, thanks to Janice for getting on top of that for us.  As far as I can figure, the same fee as last year ($225) will cover our expenses for the upcoming season, so that’s a good thing.
This Saturday, before hockey, please try to arrive around 10 – I will be there to collect your $.  I will not have a schedule, for the time being please use the below and the webpage calendar as a guideline.  I’m sure Tracy McCallum will have a detailed schedule later on in the season as she has been working on setting up games.  Koodos to T Mac on that.
Barb has been looking into getting us some trainees/coaching during the start up season, so as we can improve our skills and get whipped into shape – look for updates on that…thanks Barb
Haley is still living in Kaslo and is unsure of what she will be doing for the winter, so, we need to recruit a goalie or two.  Incentive for this position is that the goalie plays for free!!! 
Finally, I would like to suggest that if anyone has some ideas for the team this year, please do not hesitate to voice them.   I’d be happy to facilitate any ideas, concerns or whatever …emails usually work best for myself
Keep your stick on the ice!!!!

These will be put on the calendar soon, it will be more up to date with changes.
BI = Big Ice in Trail 11:30am till 12:45pm
KR = Kids Rink in Trail 8:00pm till 9:15 pm
Rossland is 7:45pm till 9:00pm

1 - BI
6 - KR
8 - BI
13 - KR
15 - BI
20 - KR
22 - BI
27 - KR
29 - BI

3 - KR
5 - BI
12 - BI
17 - KR
24 - KR
26 - BI

1 - KR
3 - Rossland
8 - KR
10 - Rossland
15 - KR
17 - Rossland
22 - KR
29 - KR

5 - KR
7 - Rossland
12 - KR
14 - Rossland
19 - KR
21 - Rossland
26 - KR

2 - KR
4 - Rossland
9 - KR
11 - Rossland
16 - KR
17/18/19 - Tournament
23 - KR
25 - Rossland

Sunday, September 25, 2011

2011/2012 Season - It's time to play hockey again!

Hey All You Keen Smokettes new and old, our first ice time is this coming Saturday October 1st 11:30 - 12:45 Cominco arena Trail Big Ice! We should be having a sign up meeting some time before so watch your emails and the blog, the executive will keep you informed.